Ottobre 2018 - Volume XXXVII - numero 8

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

EMA-biopsy: un nuovo test per semplificare la diagnosi di celiachia nei casi dubbi e difficili

Michela Pandullo1, Luigina De Leo2, Alessandro Ventura1, Tarcisio Not1,2

1Università di Trieste
2IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

EMA-biopsy: a new simple test for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in difficult cases

Key words: Coeliac disease, EMA-biopsy test, Anti-transglutaminase IgA deposits

The anti-transglutaminase IgA deposits in the intestinal mucosa, detected by a double-sided direct immunofluorescence (IFD) technique, are the best diagnostic marker for coeliac disease. However, this test is time consuming and largely operator-dependent. This study compared the sensibility and specificity of IgA deposits IFD-test with a new simpler test (EMA-biopsy test), based on the search of the EMA and anti-tTG antibodies in the supernatant of an intestinal mucosa fragment. One hundred thirty-four patients undergoing intestinal biopsy for suspected coeliac disease or for other conditions entered the study. The IFD and EMA-biopsy test showed a comparable, absolute sensibility and specificity for the diagnosis of coeliac disease both in clinically overt cases and in latent ones. EMA-biopsy test may by considered a very useful, simple test for diagnosing or excluding coeliac disease, especially when the clinical, serological and histological picture is not decisive.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

M. Pandullo, L. De Leo, A. Ventura, T. Not
EMA-biopsy: un nuovo test per semplificare la diagnosi di celiachia nei casi dubbi e difficili
Medico e Bambino 2018;37(8):528-531

Pagine elettroniche

Un bambino che var… colla

Vincenzo Pintabona1, Francesca Galdo2, Giovanna Morini3, Matteo Bramuzzo4, Alessandro Ventura5

1Scuola di Specializzazione di Pediatria, Università di Messina
2Scuola di Specializzazione di Pediatria, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Napoli
3Neuropsichiatria Infantile; 4Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
5Università di Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Acute cerebellitis due to varicella

Key words: Varicella, Neurological complication, Cerebellitis, Ataxia

Acute cerebellitis is the most common neurological complication of varicella and is usually characterised by a benign course and spontaneous resolution within a few days. The paper reports a case in which the ataxia presented a more lasting course than the usual one and complicated by alteration of the vigilance, a clinical picture that might be confused with other neurological complications of varicella in differential diagnosis.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

V. Pintabona, F. Galdo, G. Morini, M. Bramuzzo, A. Ventura
Un bambino che var… colla
Medico e Bambino 2018;37(8):528-531

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