Ottobre 2018 - Volume XXXVII - numero 8

Medico e Bambino


Vaccinazioni in pazienti fragili:
facciamo il punto della situazione

Luisa Abbagnato, Angelo Selicorni

UOC di Pediatria, Presidio di San Fermo, ASST Lariana, Como

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Immunisation in fragile patients: let's take stock of the situation

Key words: Vaccination, Disability, Preventable disease

Immunisation and disability are inextricably linked. It is well known that vaccinations can eliminate or mitigate some preventable diseases that can cause disability when severely expressed. Moreover, the issue about immunisation of a child affected by congenital or acquired disability, for whom prevention of the more common infectious diseases can be also more important than for an healthy child, is still debated. Unfortunately, there are too many uncertainties and little knowledge about the real (limited) contraindications and the many absolute indications. This report tries to summarize this complex issue describing the necessary precautions that should be shared and to suggest some final food for thought to improve the situation.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

L. Abbagnato, A. Selicorni
Vaccinazioni in pazienti fragili:; facciamo il punto della situazione
Medico e Bambino 2018;37(8):501-507

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