Maggio 2014 - Volume XXXIII - numero 5

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Celiachia e stipsi ostinata: descrizione di un caso clinico

Annalisa Micheli, Valentina Canocchi, Monia Carlini, Cristiano Ciacci, Francesca Macucci, Daniela Pecchi, Flavio Civitelli, Igino Giani

UO di Pediatria, Ospedale Riuniti della Valdichiana Senese-USL 7 Siena, Toscana

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Celiac disease associated with obstinate constipation: a case report

Key words: Constipation, Coeliac disease, Case report

Coeliac disease (CD) may have a variety of differential gastrointestinal or not gastrointestinal presentation. Constipation is a common paediatric gastrointestinal symptom; most of the cases in children are due to functional gastrointestinal disorder and rarely the cause is a specific disease. CD is a rare cause of constipation refractory to conventional medical management. The paper reports a case of a child with history of obstinate constipation that has received the diagnosis of CD. The article describes an unusual clinical presentation of a common condition in children, such as CD. The gluten free diet induced an improvement of intestinal transit time.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

A. Micheli, V. Canocchi, M. Carlini, C. Ciacci, F. Macucci, D. Pecchi, F. Civitelli, I. Giani
Celiachia e stipsi ostinata: descrizione di un caso clinico
Medico e Bambino 2014;33(5):329-330

Pagine elettroniche

Il sale della vita: esami di laboratorio nelle infezioni delle vie urinarie?

Giulia Bassanese, Stefania Norbedo, Marco Pennesi

Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

The salt of life: blood test in urinary tract infection?

Key words: Urinary tract infection, Hyponatremia, Vesicoureteral reflux

Severe hyponatremia has been reported as a possible complication in children with renal dysplasia and urinary tract infection (UTI). The pathogenesis of this conditions is probably due to concomitant events such as renal parenchima flogosis and the immature tubuli function that may lead to a secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism. The paper reports a case of severe hyponatremia in a five-month-old infant with renal dysplasia and vesicoureteral reflux during a UTI episode. Even though Guidelines do not suggest performing lab tests in these children, the advice is monitoring their electrolytes to exclude severe hyponatremia complications such as pontine myelinolisis (also known as osmotic demyelination) that is a neurologic disorder following rapid correction of sodium defect.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

G. Bassanese, S. Norbedo, M. Pennesi
Il sale della vita: esami di laboratorio nelle infezioni delle vie urinarie?
Medico e Bambino 2014;33(5):329-330

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