Ottobre 2013 - Volume XXXII - numero 8

Medico e Bambino

L'esperienza che insegna

Ingestione di magneti

Enrico Valletta1, Martina Fornaro1, Elena Cavargini2, Francesca Destro3, Mario Lima3

1UO di Pediatria, 2UO di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva, Ospedale G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni, AUSL di Forlì
3UO di Chirurgia Pediatrica, Università di Bologna

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

Magnet ingestion

Key words: Magnets, Foreign bodies, Ingestion, Guidelines

The article reports the case of an 11-year-old boy who presented with abdominal symptoms following the ingestion of three magnets. The history, the radiologic and endoscopic pictures gave the opportunity for some considerations about the peculiarities of the management of such dangerous foreign bodies. Surgery showed that the three magnets - one in the esophagus and the other two in the gastric fundus - attracted one another just above the esophagogastric junction causing an esophageal pseudodiverticulus. The magnets were removed without any further complication. Some recent statements on the management of ingested magnets are briefly discussed.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

E. Valletta, M. Fornaro, E. Cavargini, F. Destro, M. Lima
Ingestione di magneti
Medico e Bambino 2013;32(8):514-518

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