Giugno 2011 - Volume XXX - numero 6

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo

Una mielite di origine incerta

Giulia Barbato, Giorgia Monti, Laura Leoni, Maddalena Marchesi, Elena Pavlidis, Gaetano Cantalupo, Francesco Pisani, Nicola Carano

Dipartimento Materno Infantile, Unità Clinica Pediatrica, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

A myelitis of uncertain origin

Key words: Transverse myelitis, Paresthesia, Weakness, Spinal cord MRI

Transverse myelitis is a neurologic syndrome caused by acute or subacute inflammation of the spinal cord. Since its incidence is about 0.5/100,000 children/year, transverse mielitis is included in the group of rare diseases. The pathogenesis of the disease includes an abnormal activation of the immune system of the spinal cord, which leads to axonal demyelination. Transverse mielitis occurs expecially after infections or vaccines; it is often due to autoimmune diseases; rarely, it is a paraneoplastic syndrome. When a direct cause cannot be found, it is called idiopathic. The clinic includes limb and leg weakness, sensory disturbance, bowel and bladder dysfunction, back and radicular pain. The prognosis is extremely variable: about one third of the patients recovers without consequences, one third has some disability left, one third gets an important rate of disability without recovery. We report a case of a 13-year-old girl affected by transverse myelitis who rapidly developed leg paresthesia and weakness, difficulty in deambulation, sensor and sphincter deficits. Since all the tests made during the hospitalization to find a possible cause were negative, no pathogenetic association could be done.

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G. Barbato, G. Monti, L. Leoni, M. Marchesi, E. Pavlidis, G. Cantalupo, F. Pisani, N. Carano
Una mielite di origine incerta
Medico e Bambino 2011;30(6):397-398

Pagine elettroniche ; Caso Contributivo

Un caso di emofilia acquisita

Angela De Cunto1, Pamela Pasquinelli2, Chiara Biasioli3, Vanessa Agostini3, Mauro Pocecco2

1Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Università di Trieste
2UO Pediatria, Ospedale “M. Bufalini”, Cesena
3UO Medicina Trasfusionale, Ospedale “M. Bufalini”, Cesena

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:

A case of acquired haemophilia

Key words: Acquired haemophilia, Paediatric age, Case report

The case of a boy who presented with an isolated gross haematuria is reported. In the previous days he referred a muscular haematoma after a minimal trauma. Coagulation studies showed a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (90 sec), not corrected by incubating a sample of his blood with equal volumes of normal plasma (mixing study). A factor VIII level (FVIII) less than 1% was detected and a FVIII inhibitor of 2 Bethesda unit was dosed. Steroid treatment was started with prompt resolution of “acquired haemophilia”.

Vuoi citare questo contributo?

A. De Cunto, P. Pasquinelli, C. Biasioli, V. Agostini, M. Pocecco
Un caso di emofilia acquisita
Medico e Bambino 2011;30(6):397-398

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