Ottobre 2004 - Volume XXIII - numero 9

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Grave stato disprotidemico da malnutrizione

Marco Cattalini, Alberto Vitali, Silviana Timpano, Anna Lombardi, Nunzia Miglietti

Clinica Pediatrica, Spedali civili di Brescia


Key words: Protein malnutrition, Rice drink

We report a six-months-old girl presenting with signs and symptoms of protein malnutrition: generalised edema with a rotund sugar baby appearance, abdominal distension and poor muscle tone. She presented also skin lesions, extreme irritability, thin and sparse hair. All laboratory findings supported the hypothesis of a case of kwashiorkor, caused by the replacement of milk by a rice drink. The patient responded dramatically to appropriate nutrition with resolution of the edema and a good weight gain. This case emphasises the emerging risk of kwashiorkor in developed countries, due to so-called “alternative” substitutes for milk or soy based formulas.

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Grave stato disprotidemico da malnutrizione
Medico e Bambino 2004;23(9):585

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