Ottobre 2001 - Volume XX - numero 8

Medico e Bambino

Pagine elettroniche

Variabilità clinica nella sindrome di Schwachman: esperienza del Registro Italiano

Gruppo di Pediatri e AISS (Italian Association for Schwachman Syndrome)


Key words: Schwachman syndrome, Italian register, Clinical features

56 cases of Schwachman syndrome have been enrolled in the Italian register in order to better define the clinical spectrum. Almost all presented the hallmark of pancreatic insufficiency and hematologic cytopenia. 78% tipical and 41% atypical osseous impairement, 73% hepatic dysfunction (mostly non persistent), 50% short stature, 45% severe infections, 20% neurological or intellectual impairement, 12% renal disfunctions and 5% endocrine problems.

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Gruppo di Pediatri e AISS (Italian Association for Schwachman Syndrome)
Variabilità clinica nella sindrome di Schwachman: esperienza del Registro Italiano
Medico e Bambino 2001;20(8):546-548

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