Novembre 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 9

Medico e Bambino

Problemi correnti

In punta di piedi: storie di piedi, podoscopi e bambini


Pediatra di famiglia, Palagiano (Taranto)


Key words: Posture, Malocclusion, Podiatry, Podoscopy

Two case reports are presented: the first is a 9-year old boy with second class malocclusion, hypotonic muscles and flat foot, the second is a 12-year old girl with malocclusion, scoliosis and plantar abnormalities. Both cases were successfully managed with simple interventions (enhanced physical activity in the first case and ortodontic treatment in the second case): based on these observations, the Author illustrates the relationship between self-esteem, social attitudes, muscle tone, posture, malocclusion and flat foot and other plantar abnormalities. Use of podoscopy and analysis of posture should be included among the diagnostic tools for the practicing paediatrician.

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A. Moschetti
In punta di piedi: storie di piedi, podoscopi e bambini
Medico e Bambino 2000;19(9):577-581

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