Giugno 2011 - Volume XXX - numero 6

Medico e Bambino

Problemi correnti

Pannolini usa e getta o lavabili?

Vincenza Briscioli1, Federico Marolla2, Annamaria Moschetti3, Elena Uga4

1ACP Lombardia
2ACP Lazio
3ACP Puglia e Basilicata
4ACP Ovest
Gruppo ACP "Pediatri per un Mondo Possibile"

Indirizzo per corrispondenza:


Key words: Washable diaper, Disposable diaper, Dermatitis, Environment

The washable diapers were used until 1960, then they were gradually substituted by disposable diapers (DD). Around 16 millions of children use 24 billions of DD in west Europe. This large quantity of DD raises doubts on environment sustainability. In the last years a reasonable number of parents has chosen the washable nappies; the new models of washable nappies are more comfortable and wearable than old models and they can be washed in washing-machine. This article tries to analyse striking medical features and questions about the use of washable compared to disposable diapers through a literature review. So, paediatricians could help parents to reflect on daily actions in favour of environment substainability from many points of view.

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V. Briscioli, F. Marolla, A. Moschetti, E. Uga
Pannolini usa e getta o lavabili?
Medico e Bambino 2011;30(6):374-378

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